

My sole intention is to get your message across to your visitors as easily and gracefully as possible. Whether there is a great deal of information or your needs are more straightforward, my aim is to keep it elegant and accessible, with a mind to the diversity of platforms and devices people are using these days.


  • Website Design
  • Mobile/Responsive Design
  • HTML Email Design
  • Branding (Mark Design, Collateral, etc.)
  • etc.


I delight in making designs come to life online, with a strong foundation in front-end work. However, I’ve grow to really love solving the problems of making the nuts and bolts of a site fit together smoothly. Whether you are looking for a simple, static site or something with more depth, that you can control, I can make it happen and work smoothly.


  • JavaScript (including libraries, such as jQuery)
  • Content Management Systems (including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.)
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Flash (though I’ve been shying away from this lately)
  • etc.